The first woman was classified as a sexually violent predator in Texas history on Thursday after she was convicted more than a decade ago of the physical and psychological abuse of two teen girls, prosecutors said.Desiree Hamm, 37, received the despicable designation stemming from the 13 convictions she racked up in 2011 after pleading guilty to various sex crimes against children, the Comal County District Attorney’s Office said in a news release.Hamm, of San Diego, was initially investigated for cultivating online relationships with two teens in 2009 — during which she quickly groomed and preyed on the girls through “role-playing games” that became sexual in nature, the district attorney’s office said.She brainwashed both girls after hours on the phone and over the computer to the point that they believed the game was reality, according to prosecutors.Hamm also pushed a bogus sexual assault allegation against the victims’ parent and even secretly mailed cell phones, computers, pills and gifts to attain further control.She would watch the minors on webcam before she arranged their kidnapping from Texas to California with the help of another woman she reportedly brainwashed.The sicko controlled the pair for a month in which she sexually assaulted and abused them — both physically and mentally, prosecutors said.The cruelty was so depraved she even branded both of them to match her tattoo, prosecutors said.Morning Report delivers the latest news, videos, photos and more.
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Never miss a story.When the missing girls’ families contacted Hamm after looking up phone records, the creep denied she had them.The two girls were eventually rescued and Hamm was arrested and later sentenced to 20 years in prison and another ten years on probation.Texas law dictates inmates with at least tw...