A young Sydney professional has revealed how she spends $5,000 ($3,100 USD) every month on eating out, revealing she doesn’t even have a pan in her house.Winda Tiodang, 27, has been eating out at restaurants since she was 13 with her sister in Singapore.Now the marketing strategist has revealed she only buys her food on the go, revealing she eats out every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner – but the convenient habit comes with at a huge cost.“Fine dining was a trend back then, and I loved experiencing different cuisines.Especially when they’re explaining the journey of each dish,” she told news.com.au.“So cooking at home, for me and my sister, felt like a lot more effort.”As an adult, Tiodang spends about $5,000 ($3,100 USD) a month on eating out — more if she is on holiday.“Most of the time, during the week it’s normal eating out.
But it’s still breakfast, lunch and dinner I am eating out,” she said.“Even on those average days, I am spending $70 to $80 ($44.05 to $50.34 USD) a day.Most of the money comes from when I have my weekend dining out with my friends, which is usually at fine-dining restaurants.”She revealed last year she was dining out a lot, stating she had a reservation every two days that would set her back $150 to $200 ($94 to $125 USD) for just dinner.However, she’s been able to turn her eating out habit into content, with Tiodang documenting her food adventures on a person social media account called @frenchtries.Her videos capture her various dining escapades, including one which shows her taste testing a viral Creme Brulee doughnut.In another, she tried out a cheap $10 ($6 USD) pasta that she ended up being a huge fan of, while one clip showed how she spent $1,300 ($800 USD) on food in just one week.“How can you afford that,” one social media user asked.Another said: “And I need to think three times before spending $7 ($4.40 USD) on an iced latte.”Tiodang said the comments she gets on her videos are quit...