NYC lawmaker wants 150 new street cams to ticket drivers including double-parkers: Its a headache

It could mean double trouble for Big Apple delivery drivers.A Queens lawmaker is leading a push to install cameras that would ticket motorists who park illegally — in the latest Big Brother-style crunch on drivers in the five boroughs.State Assemblyman Steven Raga is leading a group of Democratic legislators who want to install 150 new cameras that would be part of a $35 million pilot project to get tough on bad parkers — including delivery drivers who double park to drop off their goods.“With the overwhelming increase of cars on our roads, manual enforcement has not been able to meet the demand to combat double parking and illegal parking,” Raga wrote in a letter to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie last week, according to a report by Gothamist.“These bad actors rarely face violations, allowing chaos and safety hazards to persist for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.”The cameras would add to camera woes already faced by drivers in the city, who already deal with traffic cams that crack down on motorists whoj speed, blow through red lights or block bus lanes.

Bus lane fines start at $50 and can get as high as $250 for repeat offenders.The idea got mixed reviews from New York City drivers.“What’s with the guys running the city?” said Massapequa carpenter Michael King.

“It’s like they’re sitting around trying to think up ways to shut down all the small businesses in the city and get rid of everyone coming in for work.I don’t get it.”Nick Lutzky, a tile setter, agreed the move could put a dent on business deliveries.

“It takes way from the business,” he said.“They’ll lose money after the first guy gets one of these tickets, because we’ll have to go to places where we can park, which is nowhere with a truck in the city.”Delivery driver Junior Ayella conceded the camera proposal was a good idea, but thinks truck drivers should be given a break if it goes into effect — and said he often has no choice but to double park.“I’m n...

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Publisher: New York Post

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