Cuomos controversial NYC mayoral bid:Letters to the Editor March 5, 2025

The Issue: Former Gov.Andrew Cuomo joining the race for mayor of New York City.With all politicians, there will be some who agree and some who don’t (“Here we Cuo again, New York,” March 2).As always, you need to take a look at the bigger picture.
Right now we have a corrupt mayor who is the worst since Rudy Giuliani.Mayor Adams, who is a Democrat, is willing to lower himself to a Republican if President Trump will help him out.Adams has proven he is a sellout who will do whatever to save himself.Former Gov.
Andrew Cuomo had his imperfections as governor, but I would vote for him above anyone who is running.Kreg RamoneManhattanCuomo, the politician who chose to stick highly contagious ill people into nursing homes instead of hospitals where they should’ve stayed, wants to be the mayor of New York City.He thinks we have short memories.Here’s what I remember: My aunt was one of Cuomo’s victims.
She didn’t get a second chance.Why should he?Susan KerrStony BrookCuomo — the guy that gave us cashless bail and other policies that prevent upholding our laws, a sanctuary state, a refusal to cooperate with ICE and other federal law-enforcement agencies, a parole board that lets cop-killers go free, the Green Light law, COVID-19 deaths and Gov.
Hochul — wants to become mayor.Give me a break.Cuomo only wants to be mayor so he has a platform to run for president.Tom GaganMount VernonThe disgraced former governor of New York wants to be the next mayor of the Big Apple.As his tenure in Albany shows, Cuomo is an unethical debaucher of the worst kind and is responsible for many deaths during the pandemic.He does not deserve the high honor of being elected mayor.
Please, Andy, go away.Brien HollowoodSaratoga SpringsIt’s time to save New York City from Andrew Cuomo’s comeback.This vindictive guy has obviously calculated that he can win the primary and become our next mayor.But his early poll numbers are ephemeral.Remember, catchy labels and sound bites sw...