Dont buy Dems lies: The GOP isnt trying to strip Medicaid from millions of Americans

Get ready to be bombarded with ghoulish ads warning about grandmothers dying and children denied needed cancer treatments “just to make billionaires like Elon Musk even richer.”The ads, paid for by a Democratic PAC, started running Monday. And Monday night Democrats attending President Donald Trump’s speech to Congress held up paddles with the message “Save Medicaid.”It’s demagoguery in full swing to combat Republican efforts to control federal spending on Medicaid and stabilize the nation’s debt.Gov.Kathy Hochul is claiming, “House Republicans just voted to rip health care away from up to 1.8 million New Yorkers — all to bankroll giveaways for billionaires.”  Rep.

Delia Ramirez (D), from Chicago, shrieks, “People will die.”These are lies. The needy are not going to lose their health care, and the demagogues know it. Truth is, congressional Republicans are finally sticking up for working people who resent covering the bills for healthy folks who refuse to work.To control Medicaid spending, Republicans are calling for a “work requirement” for able-bodied adults without children or an elderly dependent.“Work” overstates the toughness.  Anyone who is employed for 80 hours a month, or attends school, a training program or drug-recovery program and is low income will still be eligible for free care.Just not moochers.When Medicaid was launched it 1965, it provided a medical safety net for children, young mothers, the disabled and the elderly.But a decade ago, President Barack Obama and Congress expanded Medicaid to cover healthy, working-age adults, whether they were willing to work or not.Rep.

Nancy Pelosi boasted that everyone should have “the freedom to pursue your own happiness,” as a writer or ”whatever you want to do” — even without having to hold down a job and pay for your health insurance.That’s hardly a safety net.Pelosi’s promise made working people into patsies supporting the free-loaders.House Sp...

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Publisher: New York Post

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