Plane passenger stunned by note from pilot: Most beautiful woman

Love is in the air.A pilot left a note at the airport for an unsuspecting passenger, but his delivery didn’t exactly make for a smooth landing when the influencer shared the love letter on social media.Steph Bohrer, 23, was at an airport when a pilot “just placed” a brown paper dinner napkin next to her bottle of water on a table and “walked away.”“I have seen the whole world and you are the most beautiful woman in it,” the surprisingly short and sweet love letter read.The pilot signed the note off with an unreadable signature. Bohrer, known for posting travel and lifestyle content, shared the note in an 11-second video alongside the bridge from Taylor Swift’s “Enchanted” with the lyrics.“I was enchanted to meet you.Please don’t be in love with someone else,” the clip played.But it doesn’t appear that the Arizona State University alum, who moved to Charleston, SC after college, ever got to meet the pilot.“I didn’t even see his face,” Bohrer captioned on her TikTok.After Bohrer posted the video on TikTok, it received over 11 million views and 1.6 million likes in just over one day.However, Boherer faced a handful of skeptics who questioned the pilot’s true intentions. “He’s probably married with five kids,” one commentator suggested on TikTok.“He didn’t leave a number because he’s someone’s husband,” another quipped.“This is probably his go-to pick line in every city,” someone added.“I’m not even trying to be negative, but there’s a reason he didn’t introduce himself or leave his number,” a TikTok user claimed.But others supported Bohrer and appreciated the sweet gesture from a stranger.“Damn the comments lol,” a social media user wrote.
“Let a girl receive a no strings attached compliment in peace.”“Pilot?? Babe hurry,” another wrote.“There’s nothing wrong if this girl believes in fairytales,” one person insisted.Despite the unusual note, it’s not uncommon for people to meet a p...