The week in whoppers: Boston Mayor Michelle Wu offers sympathy for would-be stabber, NY Times columnist slams Elon Musk over his birthplace and more

“All of our thoughts are with the family of the individual whose life has been lost.”  — Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, SaturdayWe say: Uh, that “individual” was a ..

.knife-wielding lunatic who tried to stab people and wound up getting shot by a cop.Facing blowback, Wu defended her remark, noting “every loss of life is a horrible tragedy.”But given her uber-woke record, you’ve got to wonder if she’d have actually preferred if the wacko had succeeded in stabbing someone.“[Elon Musk’s] worldview is inseparable from his rearing in apartheid South Africa.” — William Shoki, The New York Times, Feb.

28We say: Talk about guilt by association!Shoki slams Musk for the crime of having been born in apartheid South Africa and even says “his ideological commitments” bear apartheid’s “trace.” Subscribe to our daily Post Opinion newsletter! Please provide a valid email address.By clicking above you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Never miss a story.Never mind that the Times itself has reported that Musk had black friends as a child, and that his father belonged to the anti-apartheid Progressive Party — and says his kids opposed the system, too.We say: Memo to comedian John Fugelsang: The Confederacy was established and dominated by Democrats, in order to maintain slavery.And it was Republican President Abraham Lincoln who went to war to destroy the Confederacy and who later abolished slavery.If this is the best the left can do to tar Republicans, no wonder they’ve lost so much ground with voters.“We are gonna continue to speak lies to [Trump’s] truth.” — Rep.

Sydney Kamlager-Dove (D), TuesdayWe say: OK, everyone occasionally misspeaks.But this slip-of-the-tongue by Kamlager-Dove, who bolted rudely from the president’s speech to Congress a few hours later, marks a rare instance when a Dem actually told the truth about what lefties do: They “spe...

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Publisher: New York Post

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