Dems push to pump brakes on Gov. Kathy Hochuls nearly impossible electric truck rule

State Democratic lawmakers are trying to pump the brakes on the Hochul administration’s “nearly impossible” green-energy rule requiring more new large trucks to be emissions-free. The proposal, pushed by state Sen.Jeremy Coney Cooney (D-Rochester) and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo (D-Binghamton), would postpone the start of the Democratic governor’s edict until at least Jan.
1, 2027.Hochul’s recent “Advanced Clean Trucks” rule requires manufacturers of vehicles greater than 8,500 pounds to sell an increasing number of zero-emission vehicles in New York, starting with a 7% zero emissions sales percentage in 2025 and ramping up every model year through 2035, to 40% for tractor sales and up to 75% for other trucks.The legislators said the green edict promoting electric and even hydrogen-powered trucks is wreaking havoc on an important industry.“Unfortunately, the ACT regulations are nearly impossible for the trucking industry to comply with because of a lack of truck charging infrastructure, cost factors, and other challenges,” Lupardo said in a memo supporting her bill.“Battery charging times are also a challenge and will remain so until new technology emerges and is commercialized,” she said.The legislators noted that an average diesel truck can be refilled in about 10 minutes and can drive for about 2,000 miles.By comparison, an electric, zero-emission heavy-duty truck takes approximately 10 hours to charge and can run for about 500 miles.The cost of electric heavy-duty trucks can average up to three times more than diesel-fueled trucks, too, the lawmakers claim. “As we transition to a clean energy future, there is no point in putting an entire industry at risk in the process,” the lawmakers said.But a coalition of nine environmental groups issued a statement opposing the proposed rule delay, calling it a scare campaign being fanned by diesel pollution-spewing truck manufacturers.“Delaying implementation is not only a foolish response...