Its time for Broadway to be or not to be done with Shakespeare plays

Prithee, shut thy Broadway programs.This cometh season Shakespeare is yet again showing life upon the wicked stage.

Please, enougheth already.King Lear’s crown is rusting.I got nothing against Willie — but same words every season.

Who’s he thinketh he is, Tennessee Williams?Producers should do something different.Maybe “Romeo and Gladys”? Shove “Othello.” Try Benji.I mean, what was so great about this writer? Shakespeare was a hipster.

Had a beard, wore hoop earrings, baggy pants, had his own language, knocked out three kids and never even helped around the house.Not just that I lack couth.But enougheth already.

Everybody already knows Willie.Nobody’s repeating the title “Romeo and Henrietta.”Trust me — if we ever had condos on the moon their first-grade drama teachers would be asking those little students: “Needeth thou the can?”Everyone everybody knows has done Shakespeare.

Actors who suited up in rompers include Richard Burton, Kenneth Branagh, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Ralph Fiennes, John Gielgud, Laurence Olivier, Jeremy Irons.Lefteth only is Pete Davidson who’d maybe schlep around the stage shouting “Out . . .out . . .

brief chamber pot!”And Broadway’s biggest earner now? “Othello” starring Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal.Next year’s tryout? Only one left after Davidson is Conan O’Brien.

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Never miss a story.Willie was a swinger.

Big with Romeo and whatsername was the line “Love is a game.” “MacBeth” had “Love is dangerous.”Jealousy permeated “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” “Much Ado About Nothing” made much to do about passion.The line “As you like it” was clear about liking it.

How about Willie’s “The course of love never did run ...

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Publisher: New York Post

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