Familys chicken lays ginormous egg 3 times the normal size: Rare phenomenon

These days it’s not the size of the chicken but the size of the chicken’s egg that counts.Rob Griffin and his family were stunned recently when their chicken laid a massive egg more than three times the normal size.Griffin, 38, who lives in England with his three daughters, Ruby, 12, Elsie, 9, and Olive, 3, told news agency SWNS that it took their hen Gail five hours to lay the enormous egg.The oversized egg weighed more than 6 ounces, Griffin said. Gail’s eggs typically weigh about an ounce.An oversized supermarket egg is about 2.5 ounces, SWNS reported.A video shows Griffin cracking open the rare find to discover another shell inside. Griffin and one of his daughters can be heard saying, “What?” One of the girls says it’s a “double yolker” — while her father corrects her, saying they’ve got a “double egger.”“My eldest daughter went to the hutch to see if the chickens had laid anything and she walked out with this ginormous egg,” Griffin told SWNS.
“It was the size of an ostrich egg.”Griffin initially thought “someone had planted it” as a joke.“It was about triple the size of a normal egg,” he said.He called it a “rare phenomenon.”“We couldn’t believe it,” Griffin said. “We thought it was going to be a double yolk, but when the second egg fell out, we were in shock.I didn’t even know that could happen.”Griffin told SWNS that he cracked open the smaller egg from within, which he said was normal and had its own yolk.The family has had Gail – along with another hen named Dorothy – for about a year.Griffin said they’ve never seen anything like that before – and perhaps won’t again.The impressive hen is now apparently back to laying normal-sized eggs....