Inside the coregasm: Fitness enthusiasts can experience orgasm during intense workouts doctors explain why

A popular British influencer has shared a strange experience she had at a gym, claiming she had an orgasm while working out – dubbing the phenomenon a “coregasm”.Sophie Habboo, known for appearing on Made in Chelsea, openly discussed the incident on her Wednesdays Podcast with co-host Melissa Tattam, although commenters weren’t convinced it was a real thing.The clip, which has since gone viral on TikTok, begins with the duo discussing various ways people can reach orgasm.“People can get off literally just from their brain, without being touched,” Tattam claims, sharing that she once had one in the middle of the night while asleep.“Yeah, I’ve had an orgasm in the gym,” Habboo replies.‘Area of arousal’“I remember doing an ab workout in the gym and thinking, ‘What the f–k just happened?’” Habboo continues before referring to it as a “coregasm” and saying it felt different to a typical orgasm.“Something (was) going on – you just gotta really push through with the core exercises.“Give it a go, guys.Let me know if it works for you.
I reckon you’ve got to be properly relaxed.”Vanessa Huffman, Head of Education at Club pilates ANZ, told, “Although it’s not common, a coregasm is a real thing.”“The activation of the deep pelvic floor muscles may contribute to this sensation,” she added.“Exercises focusing on the core, like Pilates, engage the lowest pelvic floor muscles that contain the ‘area of arousal’ for the lucky few who experience this.”What is a ‘coregasm?’Dr Debby Herbenick, an associate professor, leading sex researcher, and author of The Coregasm Workout, explained to SELF that the technical term for this phenomenon is exercise-induced orgasms.In her book, she states that roughly 10 per cent of people — regardless of age, gender, or fitness level — experience this phenomenon.“They generally feel similar to orgasms from vaginal intercourse, but they tend to be more dull, les...