2025 Full Blood Worm Moon lunar eclipse in Virgo: Cue the chaos

Buckle up my babies, we’re in the throes of eclipse season where nothing is sacred and no one is safe.On March 14, 2025, we’ll be under the skies and the influence of a total lunar Blood Moon eclipse in Virgo.A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth casts its shadow completely over a full moon.The reddish appearance of the lunar surface—the moon does not entirely disappear from view—is caused by rays of sunlight around the outer edge of the eclipse shadow, or umbra, being filtered and refracted as they pass through Earth’s atmosphere, casting the moon indirectly in a dim, coppery glow.SunSofia, a psychic astrologer at Nebula tells The Post, “The total lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025, will occur at 23° Virgo, bringing practical and grounded energy to this celestial event.Virgo is associated with organization, health, service and attention to detail.
This eclipse falls along the Virgo-Pisces axis, highlighting the tension between practicality and intuition, structure and fluidity.Our desire for perfection and order may clash with our need for surrender and creativity.”In relationship to this polarity, Pisces mainlines inspiration and Virgo grounds idealism in the soil of pragmatism.
Earth gives structure to the imagination of water, lending scaffolding to dreamscapes.This is the axis on which the practical and the poetic consort.Virgo gets a bad rep for being the resident perfectionist of the zodiac but the sign’s true purpose is more in line with ritual purification, asking us to consider what can be pruned so that we might prosper.
The ultimate lesson of Virgo is to integrate our mental, physical and spiritual energies into a single force for depth and growth.Author Chuck Palahniuk, who consequently, and aptly has a Pisces sun and Virgo moon writes, “Only after disaster can we be resurrected.It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything.
Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart.�...