Two NYC cats dead from avian flu, including 8-month-old kitten: Just tragic

Two cats in New York City have died from the avian flu — including one doomed 8-month-old kitten that died just one week after being rushed to an Upper West Side veterinarian — marking the first confirmed cases in the state.The infected felines were both pets, but were from separate households, health department officials confirmed to The Post.At least one — a baby domestic shorthair — died after eating raw food tainted by the H5N1 virus.The 8-month-old kitten was rushed to Brilliant Veterinary Care on Amsterdam Avenue on March 2 after running a high fever, Dr.Deborah Bayazit told The Post.The cat’s health rapidly deteriorated into pneumonia and its eyes were clouded with anterior uveitis, “which is a red flag for just a viral disease in general” Bayazit explained — but the kitten consistently tested negative for the typical suspected illnesses, such as leukemia and herpes.Veterinarians put the doomed cat on a full spectrum of antibiotics and ultimately oxygen before making the tough decision to euthanize the poor kitten on Tuesday.
“He just wasn’t responding.It was really sad,” said Bayazit.The following day the results came in — the kitten had been suffering from avian flu.A brief investigation by Bayazit’s office determined that the kitten had been eating a raw food sold by the brand Savage Cat — which in February had recalled merchandise after a potential link to another infection, which was later proven negative.The Kitten had lived with two other adult cats who didn’t eat Savage Cat products, preferring canned and cooked meat meals.“This kitten loved that food.
The owner feels so bad.The whole thing is just tragic.
She feels terrible.She feels like she killed her cat.
The owner of the food company feels terrible.There’s no winners in this situation,” said Bayazit.Audrey Brady, owner of Savage Cat, told The Post she was in communication with the kitten’s owner but emphasized that the company’s ingredients are USDA in...