Deranged sicko lures pregnant teen into home, cuts baby out of womb then strangles ailing mom

A pregnant teenager in Brazil had her unborn child cut from her womb by a sick woman who lured her with the promise of free baby clothes, authorities said.The body of Emilly Sena, who was nine months pregnant, was found buried in the backyard belonging to married couple Nataly Pereira, 25, and Christian de Arruda, 28, on Thursday according to local authorities.The couple was initially arrested at a local hospital in Cuiabá, Brazil while trying to register the baby as their own.Although the couple was suspected of working together, Pereira coldly confessed to stealing the baby and killing Sena, 16, alone, according to Brazilian outlet g1.Pereira had recently suffered a miscarriage – but didn’t tell her family.Through WhatsApp, Pereira invited Sena to come over Wednesday and pick up free baby clothes Pereira claimed she had.
The alleged killer even paid for Sena’s transportation. “She said she had received a lot of baby clothes and wanted to donate some to Emilly,” Sena’s distraught mother Ana Paula Meridiane said to g1.The victim’s body was found with cuts and she was strangled and hanged with internet cables, Police Chief Caio Alexandre said.“T-shaped” marks on her abdomen indicated that she was still alive when the baby was taken with a “bladed weapon,” he said. Sena tried to defend herself but died due to blood loss.When Pereira arrived at the hospital claiming the baby had been born at home, medical staff were suspicious of the alleged baby-snatcher’s condition and took the newborn and tested her.Results showed she was never pregnant.
Her lawyers said she’d suffered a miscarriage about six months ago and went on pretending like she was still pregnant.“This would be the second time she had had a miscarriage and so she decided to maintain this false pregnancy,” they said.“According to calculations, this daughter she had lost would have been born during this period.”De Arruda said that he believed his wife had given birth and ...