Ex-Sen. Kyrsten Sinema shames AOC, other Dems who wanted to abolish the filibuster before govt funding fracas

Ex-Sen.Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) called out “Squad” Rep.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other Democrats as hypocrites Saturday for pushing to use the filibuster to stymie a GOP-backed funding bill — three years after their party demanded its eradication.“Change of heart on the filibuster, I see!” Sinema needled Ocasio-Cortez, who once lashed out Sinema for not bowing to left-wing pressure to scrap the tool, which allows the party in the minority to check the majority’s power by requiring most bills to receive 60 votes.Democrats soured on it when former President Joe Biden was trying to ram through his agenda.
He claimed in January 2022 that the filibuster was a relic of the segregationist era, appeasing lefties such as AOC who had long called for it to be scrapped.Sinema and Sen.Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who were critical swing votes in the upper chamber, stood up to their party’s base at the time, forcing Democrats to ditch the effort.But many of those same staunch opponents of the standing Senate rules for passing legislation reversed course as GOPers were seeking to pass a bill to fund the government for the next six months.“Just surprised to see support for the ‘Jim Crow filibuster’ here,” she swiped at progressive Rep.
Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), reading her own words on Biden’s attempts to pass the voting rights package back to her.She also chided former Clinton-era Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who took a swipe at her for trying to strengthen the tool, as well, celebrating his turnaround: “Glad to see you’ve joined the filibuster admiration club!”Sinema also called out Silicon Valley Democratic Rep.Ro Khanna for pushing to “end the filibuster” three years ago, before flip-flopping and attacking Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for not making use of it in the funding fracas.“When the Senate Minority Leader sells you out, the only option is to take back the party & country with grassroots activists in blu...