Sign that tipped off Gypsy-Rose Blanchard to moms lies, ex-con claims

A 33-year-old woman, who captured the world’s attention after she hatched a plot to murder her mother, has revealed how she knew her mom was lying about her illnesses.Gypsy-Rose Blanchard’s mother Claudine ‘Dee Dee’ Blanchard started to feign illnesses for her daughter when she was just three months old.She claimed Blanchard had sleep apnea.Then, it was issues with her eyes, hearing and digestive system.She claimed her daughter had everything from muscular dystrophy to leukemia.She fed her daughter medications which had horrible side effects.A feeding tube was also inserted into her, and she was forced to use a wheelchair.“I knew that I could walk.
I knew that I could eat, so I didn’t need the feeding tube,” Blanchard told 60 Minutes during a tell-all interview in Sunday’s episode.“But the other things like cancer, you can’t see that.So I had believed that I had cancer up until the time that I was arrested and could talk to my lawyer.“By the end of it all, there was not a single part of my body that didn’t have something supposedly wrong with it.”After Blanchard’s true story came to light, it soon became clear that Claudine had Munchausen syndrome By Proxy.
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The condition, now known as Fabricated of Induced Illness by Carers, is when someone fakes an illness or produces illness in someone else, according to Better Health Victoria.It’s considered to be a form of child abuse and, in Australia, is rare with 15 to 24 cases of it each year.Due to Blanchard’s alleged illnesses, the family received assistance from charities.’Due to Blanchard alleged illnesses, the family received assistance from charities.Blanchard said she tried to do everything she could to get out from u...