Bachelor alum Sean Lowe attacked by his dog twice in 12-hour span: I was fighting for my life

Former “The Bachelor” star Sean Lowe said on Monday that he was recently attacked by his dog on two separate occasions within 12 hours — attacks which sent him to the ER and left him fighting for his life.Lowe, 41, revealed the shocking news about his newly adopted dog Moose and his harrowing experiences in an Instagram video posted to his account on Monday.“Hey everybody, so, I guess you could say our family has been through something pretty traumatic over the weekend,” Lowe began, sitting next to wife Catherine Giudici’s.“I’ve debated on whether or not we should share this publicly, but I just figured you guys are going to ask questions and probably see things, so I might as well get out ahead of it.”The Season 17 “Bachelor” continued, “On Thursday, I was having some friends of mine over to barbecue.
Catherine took the kids to the mall, and we’re just barbecuing here on my patio, and it was a really nice night, so I had the doors and windows open, and some of the smoke from the barbecue started to drift inside, and our smoke alarm started going off.”“So I grab a dish rag and I’m going over to waft the smoke away from the smoke alarm, because the siren was insanely loud,” Lowe recalled.“And as I’m holding the dish rag, Moose comes up and, like, bites it and kind of nips my finger really aggressively, which is something that he does not do.
So, you know, I kind of gave him a, ‘No Moose.’”The former “Bachelor” added that Moose’s bites were so strong that the dog “put holes” in his shoes.He went on, “At this point again, there’s so much chaos going on with the alarm going off, I give him like a very stern like, ‘Moose.No.
No.’ And it was right about that moment where he shows his teeth at me and just attacks me, and I don’t mean like bite and run off like a lot of dogs do when they’re scared or defensive.I mean, attacks me, and I feel him just kind of ripping into the flesh of my arm.
And at this p...