Dear Abby: I hate having visitors at my home and the outside world drains me

DEAR ABBY: How do I politely tell people I don’t like having anyone visit me in my home? My home is my safe haven.The energy of the outside world drains me, and I don’t want that feeling inside my home.

This includes family members, friends, neighbors, church family and anyone else who might come knocking on my door.I have anxiety and some unresolved trauma I’m working through that contributes to this.

I’m happy to meet in a public place or visit someone in their home if we are both comfortable with it.My family cannot understand why I’m like this.

They think they have a right to my space simply because they are family.I don’t mind anyone thinking I’m weird, but how do I respond without feeling like I have to explain myself? — INTROVERT IN TENNESSEEDEAR INTROVERT: Do not allow anyone to make you feel defensive.

If you want to get your point across, simply repeat what you told me.It is succinct, it conveys your feelings, and your feelings should be respected. DEAR ABBY: Is it OK to grieve the loss of an ex-husband from your early 20s if you’ve been happily married to someone else for 35 years? I’m not sure my present husband wouldn’t somehow be hurt by my feelings over the loss.

Losing my ex makes me feel bruised inside and represents the end of an era for me.I’m already dreading the loss of my present husband.

We have shared so much in our many years together.— SENSITIVE IN CALIFORNIADEAR SENSITIVE: Nobody lives forever, and it is a waste of time to fear the inevitable.

Because someone dies doesn’t mean the person must be evicted from our heart.People don’t necessarily “get over” the death of a loved one.

Many learn to live with and manage the ache.My experience has shown me that although death may close a chapter of our lives, it doesn’t mean another one won’t open. DEAR ABBY: I’m 25 years old, I have my master’s degree and work for a large technology and data company in Georgia.

I make great money, live on my ow...

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Publisher: New York Post

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