A self-made millionaire claims to spend $44,200 per month on wellness rituals to “stay ahead of the game” including getting “neurofeedback” therapy, consuming an array of supplements and having regular blood panels done.Luke Lintz is well known for his controversial takes on how to reach success.The mogul, who runs a PR company called HighKey, has now turned his focus to ensuring peak health and wellness so he can live to be over 100 years old.Staying fit doesn’t come cheap, but Luke says “you can’t put a price on living forever and being young and sexy.”The entrepreneur — who gets regular IV drips and only eats organic grub — is also open to more controversial treatments, such as freezing his cells for transfer and exchanging blood plasma with someone who is younger“People might call it crazy to spend this level of cash on extreme treatments, but that’s because they don’t have the bank balance I do,” said Luke, who boasts one million followers on Instagram.“It doesn’t matter how much I spend, because I’m rich, so why not?“I want to be 90 years old and still be able to go skiing with my grandkids.I’m investing in my health so that when I do reach my 50s or 60s, I can still be at peak level.”Luke admitted he used to wake up “every single morning” with his heart palpitating.“My attitude toward work created stress in my life, to the point where I realized I couldn’t keep going the same way.
I was very close to complete burnout,” he said.“I’d work until my eyes were dry and destroyed from sitting in front of my computer all day.“I’ve recently cut my working hours down from 15 to just eight hours per day.”Luke shells out roughly $30,000 per year on blood panels, sitting down with doctors after each session to analyze the results.From there, they’ll monitor any changes in his body and prescribe a set of daily supplements for him to take.He also spends each afternoon hooked up to his computer via a headband fo...