Millennial parents are putting an end to this core childhood memory: Never doing this

A millennial has been left shocked to learn that young girls today are missing out on a core childhood memory that made her own upbringing so special. For Savannah, sleepovers were an essential part of girlhood — so the idea of them being “cancelled” came as a shock.“I just saw this post that a mum made where she was like ‘we don’t do sleepovers’ and I went to the comments because I wanted to see what other mums had to say,” she explained. “They were like ‘yeah.No sleepovers.
Never.Never doing this.'” The strong stance took Savannah by surprise, so she took to TikTok to see if others shared the opinion. “I started thinking like ‘how lame,’” she admitted in the video.She empathized with young girls today, reflecting on how much sleepovers shaped her own childhood.But as she read more, some of the comments gave her pause.One read: “When you know the risk, how can you send your daughter to someone else’s house for the night?”She initially thought the solution was simple: just make sure your child only sleeps over at a trusted friend’s house.But then, it hit her. “It doesn’t matter if you trust them.
It doesn’t matter how well you know them.It can still happen,” she realized. “All those girls are going to miss out on a lot… but that mum is right.” Savannah’s comment section only reinforced her new perspective. “I’m a victim of child-on-child sexual abuse.
It was always sleepovers.The adults aren’t the only thing you’re protecting your child from,” came one chilling warning. “I wasn’t allowed to have sleep overs as a kid, and back then I thought it was the worst.
Now I get it and wouldn’t let my child have them either,” another parent revealed.A third offered an important reminder: “Not just our daughters, our SONS too!” Morning Report and Evening Update: Your source for today's top stories Please provide a valid email address.By c...