Kash Patels FBI overhaul and more: Letters to the Editor March 23, 2025

Kash on the moneyI agree with Miranda Devine that Kash Patel’s promise to end the FBI’s weaponization is an enormous challenge — one that cannot be accomplished without addressing the wrongs done to whistleblowers and removing those responsible for the abuses (“A new eye on politicized FBI,” March 17).For too long, the FBI has operated as a rogue entity within our government.It sacrificed its integrity by allowing itself to be used as a political tool of the Biden administration.The FBI must redirect its focus to fighting organized crime, international terrorism, and counter-espionage.
But first, Patel must clean house.Never again should the FBI function as the Gestapo of a corrupt administration.Stanley M.
Rubin, QueensTesla headachesThe campaign of vandalism against Tesla cars must be one of the most pointless and self-defeating in leftist history (“Dem Silence = Violence,” Karol Markowicz, March 20).If you are a liberal progressive who despises President Trump and wants to punish his supporters while also claiming to care about green policies and the environment, how does setting electric cars on fire help your cause?If you truly wanted to challenge consumerism, you could break the capitalist cycle by simply refusing to buy these cars.Instead, by destroying them, you are only ensuring that more are built and sold — feeding the very system you claim to oppose.The Tesla burnings reveal the hypocrisy of the left.
They are not driven by principle, but by an addiction to destruction.Robert Frazer, Lancashire, United KingdomClimate warningsLee Zeldin, Trump’s hand-picked head of the Environmental Protection Agency, has made it clear that the agency’s priority is no longer protecting Americans from pollution (“EPA rescinds fuelish regs,” March 13).Instead, its new mission is to gut regulations so that polluting industries can rake in more profits.Zeldin even wants to eliminate the scientific finding that greenhouse-gas emissions from fossil f...