Cuomo, Hochul sent energy bills soaring heres how they can climb down

New Yorkers are getting burned by Democrats’ green delusions.The average monthly ConEd bill today is $154 higher than five years ago, despite a near tripling of US wind and solar capacity since 2017, which advocates promised would bring prices down.Now, ConEd wants the state utilities regulator to allow another rate hike — 11% for power and 13% for gas — just so it can keep pace with the state’s green energy targets.Former Gov.Andrew Cuomo dug this hole, but if the Democrats are going to climb out of it — and show that the party can still respond to voters’ needs — Gov.
Kathy Hochul, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins must correct the failures of the past decade.According to the latest federal data, New Yorkers statewide pay 24.4 cents per kilowatt-hour for power — 50% above the national average.City households are hit even harder, paying over 31 cents per kilowatt-hour.Meanwhile, Pennsylvanians pay just 17.6 cents.The contrast lays bare the failures of the green policies Cuomo and the Democrats have championed since 2011.First came Cuomo’s statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, for natural gas in 2014.
The Empire State remained on the sidelines while Pennsylvania leveraged game-changing technology into lower energy costs and thousands of solid middle-class jobs.Worse, Cuomo then blocked New Yorkers’ access to Pennsylvanian gas via new pipelines.In 2020, builders ditched the Constitution Pipeline project after endless state delays.In 2019 Cuomo signed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, mandating zero-emissions electricity by 2040 — prompting exorbitant grid reconfigurations to accommodate unreliable wind and solar that have translated directly into rate hikes on New Yorkers’ bills.
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