Judges deportation delays: Letters to the Editor March 26, 2025

The Issue: Biden- and Obama-appointed judges’ attempts to delay President Trump’s deportations.It absolutely boggles my mind that any judge, no matter what party they’re affiliated with, would be so pompous as to try and stop the deportation of any illegal immigrant who committed a heinous crime (“The Full-Court Prez is on,” March 25).The depth of US District Judge James Boasberg’s arrogance and lack of regard toward the people who were affected by these crimes is disgusting.But the worst part is that these judges mostly do this in the name of hating President Trump.Lorraine FittipaldiApollo Beach, Fla.Just when I thought the derangement couldn’t get any worse, along come these judges to bring us back to the Democrats’ stupidity.
One of them, US Circuit Judge Patricia Millett, said that Nazis were treated better than those being deported.Really? Illegal migrants get better treatment than our own citizens, specifically homeless veterans.Ridding our nation of illegal drugs and crime should be paramount, and the ridiculous behavior of these liberal judges, who push to keep Trump from doing what benefits US citizens, is sinister.We have more pressing issues for them to focus on without taking on the plight of terrorist gangs.Kevin JudgeNaples, Fla.Through executive orders, social media attacks and public comments, Trump and his supporters continue to spread fear among judges and lawyers to undermine their duty to uphold the law.The latest example involves the targeting of federal judges like Boasberg, who ruled against the administration’s actions only to face baseless accusations and calls for impeachment.Fortunately, some judges, such as Chief Justice John Roberts, have shown courage in defending the legal system.However, more lawyers and judges must join this effort to protect our democracy and judicial independence.
We must stand firm in defending the rule of law.Jagjit SinghLos Altos, Calif.It’s too bad that Boasberg and others are more concer...